This year, I'm hosting Christmas dinner. I had been trying to decide what kind of 'non-traditional' foods to serve for Christmas dinner (Mexican, Italian, sandwiches) when I had a genius idea.
Well, I think so, at least.
Why not create a feast of all different kinds of foods and traditions from around the world? Is that not genius?
Oh my gosh...My mind is whirling with ideas. I promise photos and recipes!
Any recipes or traditions you'd like to share that I can incorporate into this special dinner? Hurry!
What a terrific idea! Enjoy! I look forward to hearing about it.
Just this moment thiking about you and wanted to let you know that. Hope all is going well for you and the Holiday season brings special memories and time with those you love. Hop the preparations for that International Feast are going well too!
I'd love to hear about how your "Christmas Around the World Meal" came off. I hope all went well and you had a WONDERFUL Christmas!
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